Please come in! We have a wide selection of movies for you to choose from!!

I gotta talk about my obsession with movies right?
Well, i've watched movies before as a kid but none
of them sparked an interest above surfice level until
i was 15/16, that's when, out of nowhere, i decided
"im gonna watch EVERY horror classic, just because
i like horror a little..." i think you guys can guess why
im making this page on my site. I never really thought
that it was gonna go deeper than watching a couple of
horror movies, however, i just couldn't stop myself...
i HAD to watch more and more!!!

Anyways, here is where i talk about movies of ANY genre (mostly horror and queer movies), make lists about them and get to rant about my favourite shows too!! wow so interesting and cool...Actually, let me tell you guys i don't have any friends that are film fans or that can handle a lot of horror, so im mostly left to talk to myself, i saw a bunch of other people share about their film obsession and said to myself "Hey! you can also do that!!" so here it is, my own personal video store (it's all free for you guys!), im that annoying video store clerk that just WON'T shut up about horror movies and their queercoded history and how gore and blood and guts use to be sexier and nowdays we get cgi that just makes my EHEM, yeah... hope you enjoy the show!!


This site will contain pictures and videos of gore fx, bad language, innapropiate uhmm erotic comments about how good practical effects are, and well scary imagery obviously. Please don't trip on the scattared guts and eyeballs on the floor..!